; ; vigiboard - Pylons development environment configuration ; ; The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file ; ; This file is for deployment specific config options -- other configuration ; that is always required for the app is done in the config directory, ; and generally should not be modified by end users. [DEFAULT] debug = false ; Uncomment and replace with the address which should receive any error reports ;email_to = you@yourdomain.com smtp_server = localhost error_email_from = paste@localhost [server:main] use = egg:Paste#http host = port = 80 [app:main] use = egg:vigiboard db_basename=vigilo_ password_hashing_function=md5 lang=fr use_kerberos=False help_link=http://foo.bar/help ; Nombre d'événements par page. vigiboard_items_per_page = 15 ; URL vers laquelle le logo de Vigilo redirige. logo_link = / ; Ordre de tri pour la priorité des événements. ; - Utiliser "asc" si la priorité est inversement proportionnelle à sa ; valeur (ie: plus le nombre est bas, plus la priorité est élevée). ; - Utiliser "desc" si la priorité est proportionnelle à sa valeur ; (ie: plus le nombre est élevé, plus la priorité est élevée). ; NE PAS METTRE DE GUILLEMETS/APOSTROPHES AUTOUR DE LA VALEUR. vigiboard_priority_order = asc ; Default font size, must be a valid size as per the CSS 2.1 specification. ; See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#font-size-props vigiboard_font.size = 10px ; Indique si le tri des événements se fait d'abord sur l'état Nagios ; puis l'horodatage de l'événement, ou bien l'inverse. ; Dans tous les cas, d'autres critères de tri interviennent avant ; (état d'acquittement et priorité ITIL). state_first = True full_stack = true cache_dir = /tmp/vigilo/vigiboard/data beaker.session.key = vigiboard beaker.session.secret = vigilo sa_auth.cookie_secret = vigilo ; If you'd like to fine-tune the individual locations of the cache data dirs ; for the Cache data, or the Session saves, un-comment the desired settings ; here: ;beaker.cache.data_dir = %(here)s/data/cache ;beaker.session.data_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions ; DB - sqlite fails, not postgresql ready, use mysql for now sqlalchemy.url=postgres://vigilo:vigilo@localhost/vigilo ; echo shouldn't be used together with the logging module. sqlalchemy.echo = false sqlalchemy.echo_pool = false sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 3600 base_url_filter.base_url= set debug = false ; Logging configuration ; Add additional loggers, handlers, formatters here ; Uses python's logging config file format ; http://docs.python.org/lib/logging-config-fileformat.html [loggers] keys = root, vigiboard, sqlalchemy, auth [handlers] keys = console,sql_log,root_log,vigiboard_log,auth_log [formatters] keys = generic ; If you create additional loggers, add them as a key to [loggers] [logger_root] level = INFO handlers = root_log [logger_vigiboard] level = INFO handlers = vigiboard_log qualname = vigiboard [logger_sqlalchemy] level = INFO handlers = sql_log qualname = sqlalchemy.engine ; A logger for authentication, identification and authorization -- this is ; repoze.who and repoze.what: [logger_auth] level = INFO handlers = auth_log qualname = auth ; If you create additional handlers, add them as a key to [handlers] [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [handler_sql_log] class = FileHandler args = ('/var/log/vigilo/vigiboard/sql.log','a') level = DEBUG formatter = generic [handler_root_log] class = FileHandler args = ('/var/log/vigilo/vigiboard/root.log','a') level = DEBUG formatter = generic [handler_vigiboard_log] class = FileHandler args = ('/var/log/vigilo/vigiboard/vigiboard.log','a') level = DEBUG formatter = generic [handler_auth_log] class = FileHandler args = ('/var/log/vigilo/vigiboard/auth.log','a') level = DEBUG formatter = generic ; If you create additional formatters, add them as a key to [formatters] [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %H:%M:%S